Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test 6)

Видеa 15 ноември 2013 | YouTube
1575 посещения | без коментари

Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split between two reversing trucks. Never done before, JCVD says it's the most epic of splits -- what do you think? Please share & comment! This live test was set up to demonstrate the precision and directional stability of Volvo Dynamic Steering -- a world first technology that makes the new Volvo FM easier to drive. Filmed in Spain on a closed-off landing field at sunrise in one take. Directed by Andreas Nilsson Soundtrack by Enya: Only Time More about Volvo Dynamic Steering: Don't miss coming films and other exciting material: See the Teaser with Jean-Claude Van Damme and the technician behind the new steering:




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