Nissan engineers marry a LEAF to a Frontier for use around the shop

Видеa 23 септември 2014 | YouTube
1420 посещения | без коментари

STANFIELD, Ariz. (Sept. 18, 2014) – If necessity is the mother of invention, engineers fuel that fire at Nissan’s Technical Center in Stanfield, Arizona. Here engineers are plentiful. They love to build things, test things and tinker with things. This team thinks a lot about “why not?” Recently they created a one-of-a-kind electric vehicle to haul supplies and people around on the tech center property. This is Sparky as he’s known around the campus. It is a Nissan LEAF crossed with a Nissan Frontier, brought to life by Nissan’s Roland Schellenberg and Arnold Moulinet.




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